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Risultati per : "fabric"

A new fabric that lowers body temperature but also in cars and buildings

Climate change and high temperatures are increasingly affecting human life. Especially in the warmer months, using air conditioning ...

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A fabric against pollution

Environmental technology capable of adsorbing, blocking and breaking down pollutant molecules in the atmosphere ...

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Sustainable nylon

From ghost nets to innovative fabrics ...

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The Art of Upholstery

Fabrics for furnishing, shaping and giving personality to rooms in the home ...

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The charm of the uniform

Elegant and refined yet high-performance, military uniforms are made of highly specialized technical fabrics ...

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Airplanes: lightweight and green materials in interior furnishings for increasingly sustainable flights

Companies' efforts between lightweight but comfortable seats, recycled fabrics and upcycling projects ...

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9 ago 2024
Un nuovo tessuto che abbassa la temperatura del corpo ma anche in automobili ed edifici

Il cambiamento climatico e le alte temperature condizionano sempre di più la vita dell’uomo. ...

8 lug 2024
Globavia srl a Malta

Dal 20 al 22 Maggio abbiamo partecipato a all’assemblea dei soci di BWH Italia ...