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Risultati per : "women"

Women 7, le donne protagoniste del G7 2024

Ospitato in Italia si concentrerà sulle dinamiche post globalizzazione improntate alla pace e alla riduzione delle disuguaglianze sociali ...

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Women, peace and security

More than two decades after Resolution 1325, the strategic presence of women in the Armed Forces remains an ...

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The ladies of flight

From cockpits to control towers, more and more women are filling top roles in the aerospace world ...

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Women's work: economic boost during the Great War

From the home hearth to the factories and the front: the dedication of women ...

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Armed Forces: 6% of the Italian military are women

Growing numbers around the World testifying to the importance of the role played by female staff ...

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Women conquering space

From Valentina Tereškova to our own Samantha Cristoforetti, the astronauts who made history ...

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9 ago 2024
Un nuovo tessuto che abbassa la temperatura del corpo ma anche in automobili ed edifici

Il cambiamento climatico e le alte temperature condizionano sempre di più la vita dell’uomo. ...

8 lug 2024
Globavia srl a Malta

Dal 20 al 22 Maggio abbiamo partecipato a all’assemblea dei soci di BWH Italia ...