Our Technology

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A simply revolutionary technology

Globavia Air utilizes thebreath® technology, an innovative patented fabric designed to capture and break down harmful particles in the air; a technology that supports the fight against domestic and atmospheric pollution produced by cars, heating, and industrial emissions. Through this process, it also eliminates odors, making the air pleasant to breathe


The purification of theBreath®: 3 levels working in synergy


The air, with its natural movement, flows tangentially and/or passes through the three layers, returning in circulation cleaner and more breathable.


A light process, like air

The purification process used by theBreath® is completely passive, as it harnesses the natural movement of air without additional energy sources.

    Printable, bacteriostatic, antiviral, and fungicidal, facilitating air transpiration.
    A carbon cartridge that adsorbs, retains, and breaks down pollutant molecules and bad odors.
    Printable, bacteriostatic, antiviral, and fungicidal.


The carbon cartridge attracts pollutant molecules into its structure, preventing their release. They are adsorbed and broken down.


Thanks to the antiviral properties of the outer layers, it eliminates and prevents the action of any harmful organism, reducing up to 98.7% of the viral load.


The silver ions incorporated into the fibers of the outer fabric exert effective control over bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative, as well as certain types of fungi.

Energy free

It does not use external power sources of electrical or fossil origin, maintaining a low environmental impact and sustainable performance.


It does not just cover up or mitigate odors, but breaks down their molecules thanks to its carbon cartridge, freeing the air from unpleasant emissions.


Test e Certifications

Safety and Health Protection 


The fabric has undergone product performance tests, obtaining significant certifications:


ISO 16000-9

Test for determining the specific emission surface flow of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from newly manufactured construction products or finishing products under defined climatic conditions.


UNI 11247

Test for determining the photocatalytic reduction index of nitrogen oxides in air by inorganic materials.



Method of measuring the performance of household air purifiers.


ISO 18184:2019

Determination of antiviral activity of textile products

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GLobAvia Air